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At CC&PRMC, we are a boutique strategic and legal consulting firm specialized in political risk and compliance management, tailored to the needs of companies and investors with interests in Colombia and Latin America.

Within political risks, we include national political risks, economic risks, regulatory risks, geopolitical risks, and geoeconomic risks.

Our team is dedicated to providing key insights and strategies to promote investment and business growth in Colombia and Latin America.

With years of experience and a deep multidisciplinary background that encompasses law, history, political science, and economics, we bring an unmatched level of expertise and knowledge to our clients.

We work closely with our clients to develop customized solutions that fit their unique needs and goals

We have enhanced this value proposition thanks to our pioneering and deep integration of Generative AI in risk consulting, allowing us to provide deeper analysis and more accurate predictions for our clients.

We take pride in our customized risk analysis methodology, designed to identify not only risks but also strategic opportunities that arise from the constantly changing political, economic, regulatory, and geopolitical landscape.

Don't let uncertainty hold you back.

"In times of uncertainty, we give you certainties"

Jorge Enrique Gómez Pardo, Socio Fundador de la firma de consultoría legal y estratégica CC&PRMC

Jorge Enrique Gómez Pardo

Managing Partner

Founder and leader of our firm, he is a Lawyer with an Option in Administration from the University of Los Andes, specialized in Regulatory Compliance from the University of Pennsylvania, holds an LL.M. in Internationalization of Crime and Criminal Justice from Utrecht University, and has certification from DeepLearning.AI in GenAI projects.


With more than 15 years of experience in legal and political advisory roles, among others in the Senate of the Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Criminal Court, the Superintendency of Companies, or the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, he has a deep understanding of Colombian politics and international geopolitics as a result of his study or participation in numerous campaigns and processes for over 20 years.


Jorge Enrique is the author of the book Defensa de la Libertad y de la Democracia: el Centro Político y los Extremos Explicados, the article The Colombian Justice and Peace Law Achieves The International Criminal Court Standards, several pieces on political and geopolitical risk, and various political opinion columns.


Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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